283 – Permaculture Voices

Published 10 years ago in Permaculture , Podcasts - 0 Comments

Paul, Jocelyn and Bart are driving to the San Diego Airport from Permaculture Voices. They review their experience at the conference and express how amazing the conference was. They talk about the value of the possible videos that Diego will probably release. They talk about the amazing time they had staying in a house with ~20 other permies, the food, the conversations.

Paul starts by talking about his keynote on permaculture velocity and how he angered some people but still ended up with a standing ovation. He shares some of his experience as a speaker. He talks about the good conversations he had with Willie Smits.

They then move on to talk about the information they got from the other keynote speakers. Paul was a bit disapointed by Michael Pollan’s presentation as he thought it was not groundbreaking information. He was also disapointed that Joel Salatin presented very similar information to what he did a year ago in Moscow, Idaho. He enjoyed, but was not surprised by any information that Geoff Lawton presented. Paul and Jocelyn enjoyed the presentation that Dr. Elaine Ingham did. Paul was pleased to see that Toby Hemenway’s presentation presented lots of bricks on how to make a better world. They talk about the presentation by Allan Savory and tell the story that even if we were all to be vegan, the only way out of our desertification predictment is to graze more animals.

They go on and talk about some of the other presentations they attended and the dinner they had with Geoff and Nadia Lawton, Larry Santoyo, Toby Hemenway.

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